2017 SAP Presentation Day


On Saturday we hosted all players from the three SAP licences – Northern Tigers SAP, NSFA Lions SAP, Northern Tigers GSAP – for our presentation day at NTRA.

The afternoon kicked off with a combined mini World Cup.  The Under 9/10 age groups and U11/12 age groups combined and formed mixed teams from all three licences for some friendly competition!

Second on the agenda was the crossbar challenge. All players (and coaches) had a shot at being crowned their squad and age group champion. All champions then went into the finale, playing in front of all 180 SAP players and parents.

After the crossbar challenge was the ‘SAP sprint’, with each squad nominating two players to represent them. The sprint occurred across the field with SAP players lining the finish line. Ashton Cox of Tigers Under 10’s won the race, however special mention must go to coach Marc Messina for giving it a red hot go!

The day was wrapped up with individual team presentations, handing out trophies and team photos.

It was great to see all of our SAP players come together in a day filled with fun, friendship, and most importantly, football!

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