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The practices and procedures that are put in place within sport organisations to protect their members
MPIOs are the point of contact or participants, volunteers or parents with member protection enquiries or complaints. In many clubs, it is also the MPIO who manages the club’s Working with Children Check responsibilities.
Extracted from Football NSW (Copyright 2024)
As the main point of contact for enquiries and complaints relating to member protection, the MPIO should be approachable and have good listening and communication skills. The MPIO should also have a sound knowledge of the club and the club committee structure as well as club policies, processes and child safe practices, including the Working with Children Check (WWCC).
In some clubs, managing the club’s WWCC responsibilities also forms part of the role, as compliance with the WWCC is one of the first steps at a club in keeping children safe.
Some clubs have more than one MPIO as this provides a greater level of support to their members and is particularly beneficial if the MPIO responsibilities include the WWCC, as this allows the responsibilities to be shared. The role of MPIO is usually a voluntary position.
MPIO’s are impartial and do not mediate or investigate complaints. Complaints should be managed by a suitable person appointed by the Club to manage complaints, this can be a nominated Committee Member or independent person. Where there is a conflict of interest, the Club President or Committee can appoint an independent person to manage the complaint.
Email Kevin via mpio@nsfa.asn.au