Which body do I direct my complaint to?
Concerns and complaints should always be raised and handled at the lowest level first, wherever possible. This means club matters be dealt with at the club; district association matters at the association and state matters at your local state Member Federation.
Only national matters and the most serious state matters should be directed to Football Australia. Matters that are directed to the wrong body will likely be re-directed to the most appropriate organisation to deal with the matter.
Depending on the nature of your complaint , you may wish to pursue it through an external body such as an anti-discrimination agency, the Fair Work Commission or a law enforcement agency, such as the local police. You can contact an external body at any time in the process should you wish.
If your complaint relates to a child under the age of 18, please refer to Safeguarding.
If your complaint relates to an adult over the age of 18, please visit the National Complaints Procedure document.

Complaints Procedure
Everyone involved in our sport should be treated with respect and dignity and be free to participate without being discriminated against, harassed, bullied or abused.